Hello, Nice to meet you.
Digital Business card made simple.
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When we designed Shook, we thought about a salesperson handing a business card to a prospect. You just take the card from your wallet and hand it out. It's quick and simple.We want to bring that same experience to the digital world.
Use the 3DTouch to activate the text message. You put the phone number and it's sent. It's that simple.

Different ways to send your cards including text message, email, Airdrop, etc.
Integrating iOS interface makes it familiar and easier to navigate.


The first word you say when you meet someone new. The word that turns a stranger into a friend. Simple, yet it's the most inviting word. When you say hello, Shook wants to make it memorable. Simple and quick.
Hello. Nice to meet you.
Shook Team

Email Us : support@nodito.com | Irvine, CA