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A.D.2084 & Tulip Ever After

Maison & Objet, Sept. 2024 - Paris

Did you know that most cut flowers today no longer have their natural scent? Through years of selective breeding, flowers have become larger and longer-lasting, but they have lost their fragrance in the process. A.D. 2084 imagines a dystopian future where flowers have completely disappeared, serving as a stark reflection of our current trajectory. The package design features a movable time scale, evoking a time capsule with a sleek futuristic metallic appearance. A QR code on the back links to a short film, Memories of Tulip Scent. This limited edition ultimately celebrates the beauty of our present world and reminds us to appreciate what we still have.


Nodito is dedicated to making your office colorful and cheerful. We perform better at work, when we are positive. It doesn’t have to be something big. It can be something small that reminds you to be positive and brightens your day as fresh flowers on your desk do. 


We are here to deliver a brighter day at work.



NoditoBetter Office, Better Hours.

Memories of Tulip Scent

This project begins with a fictional tale set in a dystopian future of 2084. The real magic happens when we look back from that future perspective and see the world as it is today. It’s like a scent that evokes longing and reminiscence. Perhaps we are living in the most beautiful era of our history. It invites us to reflect on and deeply appreciate the wonders and joys that surround us in our world and our lives.

In the year 2084, the world had become a sterile landscape. The sun, hidden behind a perpetual veil of smog, cast a dim, sickly light over the once-vibrant Earth. Flowers, once the harbingers of spring and symbols of life, had vanished entirely. The last tulip had withered away decades ago taking with it the final trace of a natural fragrance. In this desolate future, artificial flowers filled the gap left by their natural predecessors. These synthetic creations, crafted from man-made materials and imbued with manufactured scents, replicated the look and aroma of real blossoms with unsettling accuracy. Yet, the yearning for the genuine scent of nature lingered, a constant reminder of what had been lost.

Booth Design

We positioned the tulips against a rough, damaged wall to create a stark contrast—a continuation of the design language from our last exhibition, while also introducing a motif of a dystopian world. The tulips’ vibrant colors stand out boldly against the gray, chaotic backdrop, accentuating their beauty and underscoring nature’s resilience. Additionally, a hydroponic tulip farm rack symbolizes innovative farming adaptations and human resilience. This visual metaphor aligns with our A.D. 2084 theme, emphasizing that even in harsh and violent environments, beauty and hope can endure. Through this juxtaposition, we aim to deepen our appreciation for the beauty that exists in our world.

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